Tuesday, 21 December 2010

ZOMG SAUCE PLOX!!!!!1!!!!111!!

proc sc_gui()
string $selection[] = (`ls -selection`);
if (`window -exists "sc_gui"`) deleteUI "sc_gui";
window -w 150 -h 300 -t "My Tool Set" -maximizeButton false -minimizeButton false sc_gui;
print "Selected: ";
print ($selection);
button -l "Select Hierachy" -w 150 -c "sc_hi";
separator -style "double" -w 150;
button -l "Create Locator" -w 150 -c "sc_locator";
separator -style "double" -w 150;
button -l "Toggle Rotation Axes" -w 150 -c "sc_axes";
separator -style "double" -w 150;
button -l "Rename Selected" -w 150 -c "sc_Rename";
separator -style "double" -w 150;
button -label "Convention" -w 150 -command "sc_Convention";
separator -style "double" -w 150;
button -label "Create Box Curve" -w 150 -command "sc_curveBox";
separator -style "double" -w 150;
button -label "Create Joint Curve" -w 150 -command "sc_curveJoint";
separator -style "double" -w 150;
button -label "Character Nodes" -w 150 -command "sc_grpNodes";
separator -style "double" -w 150;
button -label "Vertex Joints" -w 150 -command "sc_vertJoint";
separator -style "double" -w 150;
button -label "Hyper Shader" -w 150 -command "sc_hypershader_gui";
showWindow "sc_gui";
proc sc_Convention()
if (`window -exists "sc_Convention"`) deleteUI "sc_Convention";
window -w 150 -h 300 -t "GUI" -maximizeButton false -minimizeButton false sc_Convention;
columnLayout -adj 1;
text -w 150 -al "left" -fn "boldLabelFont" -l "Prefix";
textField -width 150 sc_preffix;
text -w 150 -al "left" -fn "boldLabelFont" -l "Sufix";
textField -width 150 -text `date -format "DDMMYY"` sc_suffix;
button -l "Apply" -w 150 -c "sc_Convention_win";
showWindow "sc_Convention";
proc sc_Convention_win()
string $marker = "nc_";
string $prefix = `textField -q -text sc_preffix`;
string $sufix = `textField -q -text sc_suffix`;
string $selection[] = (`ls -selection`);
if (size($prefix) == 0 || size($prefix) < 1 )
print "\nNo Prefix defined\n";
print "\nPREFIX: ";
print ($prefix + "\n");
if (size($selection) == 0 || size($selection) < 1 )
print "No Objest selected\n";
for ($items in $selection)
print ($items + "\n");
string $matches = (`match $marker $items`);
print ($matches + "\n");
if ( $matches == $marker)
print "false \n ";
rename $items ("nc_" + $prefix + "_" + $items + "_" + $sufix);
string $selection[] = (`ls -selection`);
print "Selected:\n";
print $selection "\n";
proc sc_Rename()
if (`window -exists "rnm_win"`) deleteUI "rnm_win";
window -w 600 -h 300 -t "Rename" -maximizeButton false -minimizeButton false rnm_win;
columnLayout -adj 1;
string $sel[] = `ls -sl`;
for ($each in $sel)
nameField -o $each;
showWindow rnm_win;
proc sc_locator()
string $locator[] = `spaceLocator`;
string $Rename = `rename $locator "loc"`;
proc sc_hi()
select -hi;
proc sc_axes()
proc sc_curveBox()
string $boxCurve = `curve -d 1 -p -4.810877 4.810877 4.810877 -p 4.810877 4.810877 4.810877 -p 4.810877 4.810877 -4.810877 -p -4.810877 4.810877 -4.810877 -p -4.810877 4.810877 4.810877 -p -4.810877 -4.810877 4.810877 -p 4.810877 -4.810877 4.810877 -p 4.810877 -4.810877 -4.810877 -p 4.810877 4.810877 -4.810877 -p 4.810877 4.810877 4.810877 -p 4.810877 -4.810877 4.810877 -p 4.810877 -4.810877 -4.810877 -p -4.810877 -4.810877 -4.810877 -p -4.810877 4.810877 -4.810877 -p -4.810877 -4.810877 -4.810877 -p -4.810877 -4.810877 4.810877 -k 0 -k 1 -k 2 -k 3 -k 4 -k 5 -k 6 -k 7 -k 8 -k 9 -k 10 -k 11 -k 12 -k 13 -k 14 -k 15` ;
select $boxCurve;
string $RenameCurve = `rename $boxCurve "boxCurve01"`;
proc sc_curveJoint()
string $circleCurve1[] = `circle -c 0 0 0 -nr 0 1 0 -sw 360 -r 1 -d 3 -ut 0 -tol 0.01 -s 8 -ch 1`;
string $circleCurve2[] = `circle -c 0 0 0 -nr 0 1 0 -sw 360 -r 1 -d 3 -ut 0 -tol 0.01 -s 8 -ch 1`;
string $circleCurve3[] = `circle -c 0 0 0 -nr 0 1 0 -sw 360 -r 1 -d 3 -ut 0 -tol 0.01 -s 8 -ch 1`;
rotate -r -os 90 0 0 $circleCurve2[0];
rotate -r -os 0 0 90 $circleCurve3[0];
select $circleCurve2[0];
select -add $circleCurve3[0];
makeIdentity -apply 1 -t 1 -r 1 -s 1;
string $relativeCurve2[] = `listRelatives -shapes $circleCurve2[0]`;
string $relativeCurve3[] = `listRelatives -shapes $circleCurve3[0]`;
parent -r -s $relativeCurve2[0] $circleCurve1[0];
parent -r -shape $relativeCurve3[0] $circleCurve1[0];
select $circleCurve2[0];
select -add $circleCurve3[0];
string $RenameCurve = `rename $circleCurve1[0] "jointCurve01"`;
select $RenameCurve;
proc sc_vertJoint()
string $selVert[] = `ls -sl -fl`;
for ($verts in $selVert)
select $verts;
//cluster on each vert
string $cluster[] = `newCluster "-relative -envelope 1"`;
//clear selection
select -cl;
//create joint
string $newJoint = `joint`;
//point constrain
string $pointConstrain[] = `pointConstraint -offset 0 0 0 -weight 1 $cluster $newJoint`;
//query the constraint
string $findConstraint[] = `listRelatives -typ pointConstraint $newJoint`;
//select and delete constraint
select $findConstraint[0];
//delete the cluster
select -replace $cluster;
proc sc_grpNodes()
group -em -w -n charNode01;
group -em -w -n globalMove01;
group -em -w -n joints01;
group -em -w -n iks01;
group -em -w -n controlObjects01;
group -em -w -n to_transform01;
group -em -w -n trns_toShow01;
group -em -w -n trns_toHide01;
group -em -w -n model01;
group -em -w -n blendShapes01;
group -em -w -n extraNodes01;
group -em -w -n xtra_toShow01;
group -em -w -n xtra_toHide01;
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "xtra_toHide01.tx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "charNode01.tx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "joints01.tx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "iks01.tx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "controlObjects01.tx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "to_transform01.tx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "trns_toShow01.tx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "trns_toHide01.tx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "model01.tx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "blendShapes01.tx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "extraNodes01.tx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "xtra_toShow01.tx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "xtra_toHide01.ty";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "charNode01.ty";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "joints01.ty";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "iks01.ty";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "controlObjects01.ty";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "to_transform01.ty";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "trns_toShow01.ty";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "trns_toHide01.ty";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "model01.ty";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "blendShapes01.ty";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "extraNodes01.ty";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "xtra_toShow01.ty";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "xtra_toHide01.tz";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "charNode01.tz";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "joints01.tz";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "iks01.tz";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "controlObjects01.tz";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "to_transform01.tz";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "trns_toShow01.tz";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "trns_toHide01.tz";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "model01.tz";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "blendShapes01.tz";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "extraNodes01.tz";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "xtra_toShow01.tz";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "xtra_toHide01.rx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "charNode01.rx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "joints01.rx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "iks01.rx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "controlObjects01.rx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "to_transform01.rx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "trns_toShow01.rx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "trns_toHide01.rx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "model01.rx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "blendShapes01.rx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "extraNodes01.rx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "xtra_toShow01.rx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "xtra_toHide01.ry";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "charNode01.ry";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "joints01.ry";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "iks01.ry";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "controlObjects01.ry";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "to_transform01.ry";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "trns_toShow01.ry";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "trns_toHide01.ry";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "model01.ry";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "blendShapes01.ry";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "extraNodes01.ry";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "xtra_toShow01.ry";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "xtra_toHide01.rz";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "charNode01.rz";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "joints01.rz";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "iks01.rz";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "controlObjects01.rz";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "to_transform01.rz";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "trns_toShow01.rz";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "trns_toHide01.rz";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "model01.rz";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "blendShapes01.rz";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "extraNodes01.rz";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "xtra_toShow01.rz";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "xtra_toHide01.sx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "charNode01.sx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "joints01.sx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "iks01.sx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "controlObjects01.sx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "to_transform01.sx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "trns_toShow01.sx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "trns_toHide01.sx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "model01.sx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "blendShapes01.sx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "extraNodes01.sx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "xtra_toShow01.sx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "xtra_toHide01.sy";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "charNode01.sy";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "joints01.sy";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "iks01.sy";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "controlObjects01.sy";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "to_transform01.sy";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "trns_toShow01.sy";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "trns_toHide01.sy";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "model01.sy";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "blendShapes01.sy";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "extraNodes01.sy";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "xtra_toShow01.sy";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "xtra_toHide01.sz";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "charNode01.sz";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "joints01.sz";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "iks01.sz";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "controlObjects01.sz";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "to_transform01.sz";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "trns_toShow01.sz";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "trns_toHide01.sz";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "model01.sz";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "blendShapes01.sz";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "extraNodes01.sz";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "xtra_toShow01.sz";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "globalMove01.visibility";
select -r trns_toShow01;
select -tgl trns_toHide01;
select -tgl to_transform01;
select -r joints01;
select -tgl iks01;
select -tgl controlObjects01;
select -tgl to_transform01;
select -tgl globalMove01;
select -r xtra_toShow01;
select -tgl xtra_toHide01;
select -tgl extraNodes01;
select -r globalMove01;
select -tgl model01;
select -tgl blendShapes01;
select -tgl extraNodes01;
select -tgl charNode01;
select -cl;
proc sc_hypershader_gui()
string $selection[] = (`ls -selection`);
if (`window -exists "sc_hyper"`) deleteUI "sc_hyper";
window -w 150 -h 300 -t "Hyper shade tools" -maximizeButton false -minimizeButton true sc_hyper;
button -l "Clear Graph" -w 150 -c "sc_hyperClear";
separator -style "double" -w 150;
button -l "Add Selected" -w 150 -c "sc_hyperAdd";
separator -style "double" -w 150;
button -l "Remove Selected" -w 150 -c "sc_hyperRemove";
separator -style "double" -w 150;
showWindow "sc_hyper";
hyperShadePanelMenuCommand("hyperShadePanel1", "toggleRenderCreateBar");
hyperShadePanelMenuCommand("hyperShadePanel1", "showBottomTabsOnly");
proc sc_hyperClear()
hyperShadePanelGraphCommand("hyperShadePanel1", "clearGraph");
proc sc_hyperAdd()
hyperShadePanelGraphCommand("hyperShadePanel1", "addSelected");
proc sc_hyperRemove()
hyperShadePanelGraphCommand("hyperShadePanel1", "removeSelected");


  1. It needs work, like rearranging the buttons grouping them up into seperate windows, but it works for now.

  2. Impressive man!
    I'm writing my plugin at the minute.
    I'm just wondering:
    if (size($prefix) == 0 || size($prefix) < 1 )
    Is the the or bit (||...) absolutely necessary?
    I'm not criticising. I'm genuinely asking. Cause I thought both conditions would come to the result at any time and if I'm wrong . I'm doing it wrong.

  3. yeah as far the only way ive been able to get it to work, although as soon as its working i didnt look at it any further, georg helped me to write that section, i dunno if if (size($prefix) < 0) would work or not.
